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How to use surveys to boost your revenue & create a stellar customer experience

If you ever launched a digital offer I'm sure the following questions have popped into your pretty little head a time or two...

  • Is my offer priced appropriately?
  • What marketing channel should I be focusing my time & energy on?
  • What are the most appealing pieces of my offer that I need to highlight on my sales page?

Instead of wasting time racking your brain trying to guess the answers to these questions, wouldn't it be nice if you had a tool that could show the way?

Well, allow me to let you in on a little secret you do!

What is this magical crystal ball of tool you ask??



Surveys are an essential tool for getting the answers to all the of the questions that have been keeping you up at night & a key element to getting you to where you want to be in your business efficiently!

In this post, I'll walk you through four surveys that I recommend all of my clients implement in their business along with some practical tips on how to implement them.

Survey # 1 - Post Email Subscriber Opt-In Survey

Intention: The post-opt-in survey is to gain insights on which marketing channel is most effective for generating new subscribers along with gathering information about who your new subscriber is and what content they are most interested in.

Where to place: I typically like to embed these on the Thank You or the confirmation page after the lead subscribes. I also place a link to the survey in my welcome email sequence. 

Questions to ask : 

How did you find out about my email list/business?

What was the # 1 reason that let you subscribe to my email list?

What is your biggest struggle right now when it comes to {the niche your business serves}

Which of these statements best describes you and where you are at on you {niche journey}? {List out potential options} here.

<< To see this in action subscribe to my email newsletter here!>>

PRO TIP: I like to include an incentive for them to complete the survey. For example, I give a special discount code to my Launch Planner to anyone who completes my post-op int survey.

Survey # 2 - Post Launch Survey

Intention: An post-launch survey can give insights as to why your community did not purchase your offer and also where you can improve your sales page and offer to message.

Where to place: Send in an email to anyone on your list who clicked on but DID NOT purchase Questions to ask: 

What to ask:

What reason best describes why you didn't purchase....

  • Financially it wasn't the right time for me
  • I couldn't justify the price for what was being offered
  • I feel like I'm too advanced for this offer
  • I got too much going on right now
  • I was unclear on exactly what I would get
  • I'm not interested
  • Other 

Survey # 3 - Post Purchase Survey or New Client Questionnaire

Intention: To understand what led your new client to invest in your product so you can double down on what worked!

Where to place: Embed on your thank you page after someone completes a purchase or include it in your client onboarding sequence

What to ask:

  • What best describes why you decided to invest in this product or service?
  • How did you find out about this product or service?
  • Why were you originally interested in working with a {your job title}
  • If you had to choose one what would say your biggest struggle is as it relates to {your niche}
  • What are you hoping this product/service can help you accomplish in the next 30 days?
  • Where do you hang out on social media? 

PRO TIP: Your post-purchase survey takes will be your most engaged so feel free to ask lots of questions that will help you get to know them better and connect with them.

Survey # 4 - Post Offer Survey or Service Feedback Request

Intention: To learn how to improve your offer and make your customer even HAPPIER so they become raving fans! 

Where to place: Email them after you have delivered your service or they have completed the course.

What to ask: 

  • On a scale of 1-10 How happy are you with the knowledge & guidance you received?
  • Tell me about your FAVORITE part of working together/going through the program and why you enjoyed it so much
  • How did you grow in your skills / how did your business shift?
  • Have you seen progress in your {insert area of growht}? Feel free to brag and share your joy!
  • What could have been improved? Anything you'd change or want to see added? 

PRO TIP: When developing questions think of what makes your dream client the most hesitant to buy your offer. Your post-offer survey should have asked questions that invite past clients to give feedback on this.


My favorite Survey tools

Kajabi: Kajabi truly is an all-in-one platform for coaches and course creators. I've used both the assessment and forms features to create surveys and use its built-in email service provider & automation features to send the surveys to my customers at each part of their journey. I've included a video of how to create a survey using the assessment feature below.. <<Try Kajabi for 30 days for free here >> 

Google Forms: Google forms allow you to create and embed surveys onto your landing page in a super simple & streamlined way & the best part is your can have the results auto-populate to a google sheet so you can review the data you've collected with ease!


I hope you found this article both practical and tactical! Remember, just like anything in business surveys is an experiment so check in with your responses often and make tweaks as needed. It's not about getting the perfect data but gaining some feedback and insights you can use rather than relying on your assumptions.



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