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#1 thing you must do after you launch to improve your launch results

A post-launch audit is a magical treasure trove opportunity to uncover insights and profit-boosting opportunities. Combing through your launch data will give you a subjective view of which of your marketing efforts worked & what needs to be tweaked for next time. It also makes space for reflection & helps you figure out which aspects of your launch you enjoyed and where you might want to bring in support for the next go-around.

Hooray! You did it! You launch your thing! And depending on your results, you're experiencing one of these three emotions.

Holy crap, I’m an unstoppable Golden Goddess  

Meh , on to the next project 

Shame spiraling into a pint of Ben & Jerry’s

Here’s your permission to feel all the feels. Launching is emotionally taxing. Regardless of how prepared you felt going into your launch, you've likely felt a rollercoaster of emotions. So take some time to rest, and then REFLECT before jumping straight into the next project on your list.

It can be tempting after you launch to skip the reflection process because, by this time, you’ve spent so much time on this project that you are frankly kinda over it. But I highly recommend completing a launch audit or debrief after every launch. 


I’ve seen first-hand that the growth is in the reflection.

Whether you’re riding that post-launch high or on the verge of a mini (or major) meltdown, a launch debrief will ground you down so that you can move forward with intentional action.

So let me walk you through my post-launch process.

How to complete a Launch Audit

Step 1: Compile your important launch metrics & statistics

Ideally, you should be tracking your launch metrics throughout your entire launch to identify opportunities and pivot if needed. Still, if you haven’t, it's a good idea to go back & compile all the essential data into one place to reference it later easily. In addition, keeping track of your metrics now will allow you to compare your metric down the line to determine if the changes you made to launch positively or negatively impacted your launch.

Here are some launch metrics to keep track of :

  1. Overall Launch Revenue
  2. Launch Revenue by Sales Channel 
  3. Launch Revenue by Offer
  4. Sales Conversion
  5. Sales Page Views
  6. Email Open/Click Rates
  7. Webinar or Challenge Registration/Show Up & Conversion
  8. Social Media Stats
  9. Launch Expenses

<<Want to take the guesswork out of launch metrics?! Download the exact launch scorecard I use to track and analyze my clien'ts launches>> 

Step 2: Crunch your launch numbers

Once you’ve compiled your launch metrics, spend some time crunching the numbers. Look at your sales per day, per payment option & per marketing channel? Were there specific promotional channels that converted more than others? Were your payment plans effective in making your offer more accessible? Deep diving into your revenue numbers will allow you to see which efforts were worth your time and which ones you can probably skip next time (hello, time freedom!)


You’ll also want to analyze your launch expenses to see which ones paid off. Look at each cost & reflect on the outcome. You not only want to look at a monetary ROI but also freedom and ease ROI.  

Step 3: Analyze your Launch KPIs

Key performance indicators or KPIs can reveal so much about your launch success. Launch emotions can cloud your view. Deep diving into your launch metrics will give you an objective viewpoint. Analyzing the metrics at each stage of your buyer’s journey shows you where opportunities to improve.


Here are some numbers to track during your launch:

  1. Landing Page Clicks
  2. Landing Page Conversions
  3. Show Up Rates
  4. Sales Event Conversion Rates
  5. Emails Click Rates
  6. Social Media Engagement


Not exactly sure what numbers to look at? Grab my free launch metrics tracker here. It even comes with industry average metrics, so you have something to gauge your metrics off of.

Step 4: Gather Launch Team Intel about your Launch Efforts

Including your launch team, if you have them in the debrief process, can help you gather vital intel about your launch results. Post-launch I love to send a survey to all team members involved to gather their insights and feedback relating to the launch. Their feedback can help identify operational opportunities or communication breakdowns & help to reduce friction and improve efficiencies for future launches. They’ll also be able to provide insights related to their specific area of expertise.

The survey doesn’t need to be anything fancy? A simple what worked, what didn’t work, and recommendations for going forward will suffice.


Step 5: Gather Customer Intel regarding your Launch Promotion

Surveys are a great way to learn about your customer, grow your business, and gain helpful marketing/promotional and sales insights. 

There are three surveys I typically implement during a launch:

  1. Post Launch Survey to Non-Buyers - To gather info on why they decided not to invest
  2. Post Purchase Survey - To gather info on why they decided to invest & what they hope to achieve by investing in the offer.
  3. Post Service/Course Survey - To gather feedback and testimonials about their experience.


Step 6: Self-Reflect on your Launch Experience

Taking time to do some personal reflection about your launch empowers you to craft a launch strategy that is aligned with your values and strengths. Spending some time reflecting on the following prompts:

  1. How did you feel during your launch?
  2. Which parts of your launch did you enjoy the most?
  3. Are there any parts of your launch that felt off or don’t want to do again?

Remember, the best launch strategy is the one that allows you to show up as your BEST self, so it's perfectly OK to let go of the pieces of your launch that you felt unaligned & explore new tactics until you find your unique way of launching that feels good to you.

Should you bring in an expert to do your launch audit?

As you can see, there’s a lot involved in a thorough launch audit. But I pinky promise the ROI for putting in the time to complete one is there. 

A launch audit can help you shortcut launch growing pains and quickly diagnose the areas of your launch that need a little TLC. 

If you want to supercharge your launch audit efforts, I recommend bringing a launch expert like moi. (shameless plug) to get an outside perspective. 

Post audit, my clients RAVE about how helpful it is to get an outsider's perspective because it's so hard to see the opportunity when you are in the thick of it. They come out of their audits with fresh ideas, inspiration & strategies to move the needle quickly on their launch results.

Plus, having someone who has guided numerous launches can help you avoid launch headaches and heartbreaks down the line.

How does my Launch Audit Work?

Want a tailored plan on how to level up your next launch? Need a collaborative partner to help you uncover profit-boosting opportunities and insight?

Schedule a launch audit with yours truly and get:

  • A holistic review of your entire launch efforts (strategy, planning, and implementation)
  • A detailed report on what I uncovered, best practices, and recommendations
  • 2 Hour Zoom call with me to review findings and begin to strategize for your next launch
  • Seven days of follow up Voxer support

To get started, apply here! I’ll get back to you within 24 hours if I think you’re a good fit. From there, you’ll schedule a call with me & I’ll send you a detailed intake form where you can spill the beans about your launch efforts: what’s worked for you in the past? Where are you getting stuck? What your future goals are for your offer and biz?

After receiving your responses, I’ll get busy completing your launch audit. Next, we’ll hop on a two-hour call where I’ll present my findings and recommendation and strategize. After our call, you’ll receive a Zoom recording and detailed recap in Notion. You’ll also have access to me for the next seven days via Voxer to ask any questions that may come up as you review your feedback on your own.

Think of me as your collaborative launch partner for the week. Ready to get started? Apply here.



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