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How to plan & manage big projects like launches without burning out in the process..

intentional planning
HowI plan big project like launches using WAIM's PEWT Process

If you’ve ever launched or attempted to launch anything, you know it’s way more involved than it looks. There are a TON of to-do’s (No lie .. my average launch plan for my clients usually has over 350 tasks.) And for added fun, each to-do usually takes about double as long as you think it should. Couple that with the myriad of emotions that launching brings up, and you’ve got a recipe for burnout waiting to happen.

So today, I’m sharing my number #1 tip for planning and executing big projects like launches with ease, flow, & fun!

& that is…..

 to get shit done….💩

You’ve got to PEWT💨

Now, I wish I had been the one to come up with this genius acronym, but I must give credit to my Biz Coaches, Jason & Caroline Zook.  PEWT is the specific process they’ve honed over years of selling and launching various products (and services) without burning out in the process.

And yes, we know that there’s an A in the acronym (it was a late add & PEWT was just too good, so we are going with it)


Let me break down the PEW(A)T process for you: 


  • PLAN: Take your big vision and break it down into the tangible deliverables and tasks required to bring your project to life.  (There are a couple of different options for doing this: Mindmapping, Braindumping, Reverse Engineering, and Category List. Choose the method that works best for how your brain works.)

  • ESTIMATE: From your brainstorming or planning document, start to make a more organized list of tasks and subtasks. 

  • WIREFRAME: Take some time to sketch out or wireframe any visual components that need to be designed. The goal here is to give yourself a headstart on creating and looking for any hidden tasks that might not have been readily apparent at first. 

  • ASSIGN: Once you have your complete task list, try assigning a completion date for your project and work backward, assigning dates to all your tasks. Also, if you need to delegate or assign tasks to anyone else, this is a good time to do this.

  • EXECUTE: Finally, it's time to begin to execute your tasks. 

If you’d like to see  PEWT in action, Watch me PEWT as I prepare for an affiliate launch in this unedited work with my video.



Other helpful tips from Jason & Caroline: 


  • You may find it helpful to assign a time estimate to each task & organize it into different phases of your project.

  • Be mindful of your unique circumstances and the considerations you juggle when assigning dates and timelines.

  • Be flexible with your plan; it will need to be changed and shifted around.

  • If helpful, track your time for each task, cross off your to-do’s, and check in regularly to move dates around if needed.


If you’d like more resources for planning big projects like launches, you can watch this video/listen to the podcast from Jason & Caroline. In it, they discuss:


  • How to handle all of the to-do’s of a launch
  • How to prioritize your launch tasks
  • How to avoid getting stressed out during a launch


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